第十二届 艾特奖文化建筑设计全球五强

Bao’an Cultural Complex

获奖者: Rocco Design Architects Associates Ltd
Overlooking Quanhai Bay and the South China Sea, Bao’an Cultural Complex is an ensemble of three buildings that create a new public campus for the city while mediating between the coastal landscape and the more densely developed commercial areas further inland. The 110,000-square-meter scheme includes a library, a youth and cultural centre, and a performing arts venue.   The three buildings are aligned on a central axis that extends from the inner city to the coastline. A series of public plazas interwoven in between the buildings join the structures into a cohesive cultural campus, offer new public gathering spaces overlooking the water, and link the city and the coastline with a sequential progression of indoor and outdoor spaces.   The buildings’ facades are designed as organic forms inspired by Southern Chinese artistic traditions like wood and ivory carving. Each is encased in a perforated skin system that is modulated in different ways, creating a visually unified complex while defining distinct identities for the three structures.   Closest to the water is the Library, a 31,853-square-meter structure that arrays reading areas, stacks, administration facilities, and museums and exhibitions hall.   Beyond the Library is the 11,316-square-meter Youth Palace and Cultural & Art Centre. The building is conceived as two separate structures that radiate from a central outdoor courtyard and amphitheatre. One wing houses youth-centered programming like technology rooms and children’s arts centres; the other houses performance spaces, art studios, and galleries. The central courtyard and amphitheatre act as a social core that connects the two wings.   The 20,660-square-meter Performance Centre features Shenzhen’s first performance hall to be scaled and equipped for international operas, as well as flexible venue and rehearsal facilities.   Baoan is a new coastal urban centre in Shenzhen. The architecture of the new Cultural Complex integrates with the adjacent modern city high-rises and the conservational green belt. The buildings’ organic silhouettes soften the harshness of the existing cityscape and unite the city’s commercial community with the cultural and ecological environments. The ensemble of individual buildings and open spaces, acting as a group, lays the foundation for a robust cultural community within the city’s coastal ecology.


第十二届 艾特奖文化建筑设计获奖作品

【最佳文化建筑设计】Museum of Ethnography

获奖者:NAPUR Architect Ltd.


获奖者:ennead architects LLP



【文化建筑设计提名奖】CCO - Control and Operations Center

获奖者:El Equipo Mazzanti

【文化建筑设计提名奖】Bao’an Cultural Complex

获奖者:Rocco Design Architects Associates Ltd

获奖者:Rocco Design Architects Associates Ltd
