第九届 艾特奖别墅设计获奖作品

Award-Winning Works of Idea-Tops

最佳 别墅设计

获奖者:Studio Compass

获奖作品:Family House Jarovce

Family House Jarovce Location: Ladislava Batthyanyho street, Jarovce, Bratislava, Slovakia Authors: Compass architekti: Ing.arch. J. Benetin, Ing.arch. M. Gašparová, Ing.arch. M. Grébert, Ing. MGR.ART. J. Kurpaš Address: Compass, s r.o Miletičova 5/B 821 08 Bratislava email: info@compass.sk web: http://www.compassatelier.com Photography: Boysplaynice www.boysplaynice.com Land area 661 m2 Built-up area 160 m2 Usable area 137 m2 A volume of 535 m3 Family house Jarovce - a house for grandparents and nine grandchildren The family house is located on the northern edge of the village Jarovce, in a zone of family houses. The site is leveled, with an area of 661 m2. To ensure the optimal use of the property, the house is located in the northern part of the parcel. House for parents Is exactly that kind of commision which could possibly harm your relationship with your family or with your work. Or even both. Fortunately in this case, things went against the odds. We received only three bacis requirements: a small house, no stairs and lots of space for nine grandchildren. Our answer to the this is the composition of a green atrium complemented by the house. The house shaped in a form of the letter L defines the atrium on its two sides. The south part of the plot is opened to the sun, while the northern part is taken by the house. The horizontal concrete roof slab is omnipresent and connects seamlessly all spaces in the house. The slab leans from the interior to the exterior and leads the narrative of your visit to the house from the very entry part to the most intimate parts of the house. The cantilevered part of the roof is set to regulate the solar radiation and interior climate according to the sun path. At the intersection of two wings, the roof slab is filled with large radius. This curve creates much wider area of the terrace. It is the perfect spot for dining, the place that integrates the garden and the interior. And to be hones, it looks good on the pictures too. The house is divided very traditonally into two parts. The day part and the night part apart. The day part is transparent, connected to the garden and easy to comprehend. Here, the grandchildren are still visible and supervisied. The night part is located behind the wooden wall and is accompanied by small private garden. This garden serves as a quiet refuge in opposition to the noise and atmosphere in the atrium. The design of the interior further develops the spatial concept of the house. It is dominated by a mutual relationship of seamless roof, gery floor and long walls cladded in oak. These basic elements define the space which could be randomly occuiped by people objects and furnishing.

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获奖作品:Kloof 119A

KLOOF 119A     One enters the house through the large metal front door, which sits between the house proper and the stone wall, into a small entrance lobby connected to a courtyard garden. From this restrained quiet space a few steps take you up into the living space with its cinematic bold views over the city. The house is arranged on three levels. The top level has the strongest views and holds most of the living spaces; the open-plan kitchen, dining room and lounge. The family’s work and bedroom spaces are on the mid-level with the garage, gym, cinema and guest room on the lower level. Each level has its own set of gardens and courtyards.  These gardens extend from the mountain surface down against the house, screening the neighbouring buildings and intensifying the relationship with nature; allowing light and air into spaces that would otherwise be dark and isolated. The dark exterior breaks down the mass of the building pushing it into the background. Internally, colours are muted and the use of a washed oak gives the spaces warmth. The sophisticated spaces were furnished using OKHA furniture. The Hunt Sofa, the Nate, Nicci Nouveau, Vince and Miles Armchairs are placed on the upper and middle levels and the Planalto Dining Table creates a focal point adjacent to the second floor courtyard, which is used as a working/personal space. OKHA also provided the To Be One and Lean On Me floor lamps in the lounge area.

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获奖者:Abraham John Archite

获奖作品:Chhavi, the desert house

The challenge of designing a residential villa in Jodhpur was trifold: extreme climate, small footprint and quite a few requirements. The house is Vastu compliant - ancient Indian design principles regarding space, sunlight, flow and function. In a city where temperatures routinely exceed 40 degrees, the filigree screen is both functional and aesthetic. It looks spectacular at night, and during the day it creates beautiful reflections on the large window panes. From the first landing you get a feel of the double height, of the expanse and a new angle to the screen which gives the villa its character: it combines the past (jalis), with a feeling of modern, clean lines.

别墅设计 提名奖



          從建築到室內全面整合/由外而內的設計詮釋                   雨止了,洪水從地上漸漸消退。挪亞從方舟放一隻鴿子出去,祈禱能帶來了和好的信息;到了晚上,鴿子回到方舟,嘴裡叼著一個新摘下來的橄欖枝葉,挪亞就知道地上的水退了,上帝的忿怒過去了。自此之後,人們習慣把橄欖枝當作和平的表示,象徵紛亂已過,平安降臨。   概述:         從平面到外觀,再從外部到內部設計,本案採用全面性的整合原則,一手包辦建築與室內設計,如每位建築師最初許下的夢:打造一棟裡裡外外都能親自詮釋的家。像對待一項巨大的建築藝術一般,「南方的橄欖枝」,將宏觀與細膩,注放在各個場域中,讓每一項設計都有屬於它獨特的用意與巧思。   建築設計理念:   脫開的量體,讓建築輕盈地呼吸 中央的天井,讓自然流動至室內               在連動的建案量體之間,特地採用脫開的設計,除了讓外觀量體上更能呈現輕盈的流線,亦能增加大量的採光與增加空氣的流通。另為改善多數透天厝狹長採光不佳的通病,本案在三樓的中央設置了天井,添加了一個半戶外的休閒空間,讓生活可以接觸更多的陽光,感受更多自然的四季更迭。   室內設計理念:   自然的動詞,向生活遞出橄欖枝                    會取名為「南方的橄欖枝」,主要是在二樓的客廳。「當我一站到這塊建地,看到這片繁茂的綠樹,我就決定好這個名字了;我要讓這片天然的綠意,成為人們生活的重心。」            客廳、餐廳、廚房串聯到底的建築動線,除了讓視覺一覽無遺,拉長空間連結,更將進到二樓的視覺重點直接往窗外的綠意延伸。

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壯闊落地窗景,貫通一脈的長軸線,延伸空間底限,涵納無限景深。寬廣橫動軸,形成寬幅大場域,左右延伸與窗外大景,平行到底。 帶領橫動軸線的延伸質,為隱喻的黑與極簡的調。不銹鋼材配搭金屬漆面,併合如燈帶般長燈,曖曖內含光的視覺引領,將橫動軸的動,配搭盎然的懸吊式植栽,構成與窗外光透共生的共融藝術裝置,一路東西至底,此為第一軸。 與橫動軸天地上下呼應的,是地面的異質界線,呼應天頂軸線的巧妙,以雙色迴異色調,木紋理與清水色石紋,斷開地面區塊,豐厚了大場域行徑動線的視覺層次。並將廳堂空間功能,以橫向端景循序漸進的鋪陳延伸,豐富開放性格局的互動共融。 甫進門,視覺從中切入至窗景前櫃壁的,是與第一軸垂直的第二軸,將整廳寬廣橫動軸ㄧ分為東西向,不僅豐富軸線層次,亦在無形中以線條感帶出空間的區塊語言。 瞻望空間配置,力求簡練精要,橫向平面容納客餐廳、琴區、書房,東西盡頭為臥房。無約定成俗的聚焦定位,卻能強化單位界線的存在,昇華出更為理想的延展性,進而加倍彰顯寬綽尺度。 室內滿載自然氛圍、光與綠意、藝術養分,雕塑線條等,處處交融,演繹出低調沉穩的大格調,形色質地揉合成一片溫潤,將人文丰韻鋪陳極緻。
