第十三届 艾特奖绿色建筑设计全球五强

Rubrum Office

获奖者: Office Istanbul Architects
Rubrum Office Building is located in a village that fascinates people with its geography and is a perfect place inside a vineyard and olive garden in Izmir, Seferihisar. In this far-reaching region, the prevailing winds and locations of the grapes create a linear axis. This linearity is the primary reference tool for the plasticity of the structure and the most dominant decision in the placement of the structure. The structure is nestled discreetly amidst the Rubrum Winery. Clearly expressed movements of the vineyard and the building clung to it are perceived as a hidden space in the topography. The integrated structure with the physical environment is sometimes experienced as a secret, hidden space and sometimes a vertical landscape design element with its accentuated strong walls. Soil, the primary material of the building, will stand out as a representation of the land as something to be exhibited, reproduced and cultivated. Users experience the clay walls as the structure's primary intention. The uses of these walls make the users lead onto the courtyard. The inward-oriented courtyard is designed as a place of the building and provides fulfilment such as receiving, combining and distributing. While the courtyard provides circulation between the spaces around it, it also provides a residential area as an open space, encouraging a gentle breeze into the home. An essential living space for Anatolians, also called the 'Life', allows privileging some relationships over others in the central void of the space.


第十三届 艾特奖绿色建筑设计获奖作品

【绿色建筑设计提名奖】Umani Hotel

获奖者:STARH, Svetoslav Stanislavov

【绿色建筑设计提名奖】Rubrum Office

获奖者:Office Istanbul Architects


获奖者:TAA Design

【绿色建筑设计提名奖】Café UFO

获奖者:RAPA Chartered Architects



获奖者:Office Istanbul Architects
